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The name of this organization shall be the Press Association of India – PAI (Scholastic).


The Press Association of India exists to protect and enhance scholastic journalism education.


PAI shall have both individual (teacher/adviser, associate, college student) and organizational (institutional and affiliate) memberships.

  1. Teacher/adviser members shall be:
    1. media advisers and educators of public and private schools, community colleges, schools or departments of journalism in universities or teachers’ colleges;
    2. emeritus teachers/advisers unless their primary employment involves services to schools;
    3. lifetime members;
    4. the director or officer on record for the affiliated state, regional or national scholastic press associations or student collegiate chapters.
  2. Associate members shall be professionals involved in scholastic journalism not otherwise defined in this section.
  3. College student members shall be majoring or minoring in journalism, education or related fields.
  4. Institutional members shall be:
    1. all public and private libraries;
    2. departments of journalism in secondary schools, colleges and universities;
    3. commercial press associations, book, yearbook, magazine or newspaper publishers;
    4. all firms, organizations and agencies engaged in the development or sales of software, graphic arts, advertising or media production;
    5. other professional media;
    6. educational or philanthropic foundations.
  5. Affiliate members shall be state, regional or national scholastic press or adviser associations or student collegiate chapters.

The board of directors, by a majority vote, shall have the authority to set annual dues for each membership category. Non-payment of dues or other charges may be grounds for suspension of any member. Membership covers one calendar year from the month dues are received.


Voting members of the board of directors shall consist of the president, vice president, scholastic press rights director, educational initiatives director and Executive director.

Officers of the association shall consist of the president, vice president and the executive director.

  1. The president shall preside at all meetings and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the board of directors are put into effect. The president shall supervise headquarters staff and the board of directors in the implementation of general policies.
  2. The vice president shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned by the president and/or the board of directors. In the absence or disability of the president, the vice president shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the president.
  3. The executive director shall be the association’s chief administrative officer. The executive director shall have powers and perform duties assigned by the president and/or the board of directors.

It is the duty of the directors to carry out the programs and projects of the organization under the direction of the president.



The president, vice president and directors shall be elected to three-year terms and shall serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same capacity. After two consecutive terms, the individual may run again for a different office or for the same office again after one term.

To qualify for an office, a candidate must be a teacher/adviser member in good standing and be presented by the nominations chair or be placed in nomination by any voting member at the general membership meeting. Terms of office will begin August 1 of each election year.

Individuals are restricted to a single vote per election cycle.

  1. The general membership shall elect all board positions.
  2. One director-at-large shall reside outside the Uttar Pradesh.
  3. Members of the board of directors shall name a secretary after May 1 of each election year. The secretary need not be an elected member of the board of directors and will not vote nor be considered an organization officer if not a member of the board. The secretary shall keep an accurate record of all regular general information and board meetings and shall perform such additional duties as are incident to the position and any other duties the president and/or board of directors may assign.

Office Vacancies

In case of death or resignation, inability to perform the functions of a board member, or disqualification from the board, the president shall appoint a new board member. A vacancy of a director position must be filled by a qualified candidate with mailing address specified in Article V, Section 1, Sub-section B. The appointment of the board member-designate shall be of such length as to fill the remainder of the unfulfilled board term. Should the office of the president be vacated by death, resignation, removal or otherwise, the vice president shall assume the position. In the absence or disability of both the president and vice president, the board of directors shall elect by two-thirds vote an existing board member to perform the duties and exercise the powers of the president.

A member of the board of directors may step down at any time with a written letter of resignation to the president.

Removal from Office

Members of the board of directors of the association may be removed or suspended for cause at any time by a two-thirds vote of the board of directors. Appointees of the president may be removed by her or him at any time or by a two-thirds vote of the board of directors.

Article 6 – MEETINGS

Board Meetings

The board shall meet at least twice annually at such time and place as designated by the board. A quorum for the board of directors shall consist of a simple majority of the board.

  1. The board will give 72-hour notice of any meeting.

General Membership Meetings

  1. A general membership meeting shall be held at all national conventions and is open to all.
  2. All regular PAI members attending a general membership meeting shall each have one vote. A vote on non-budgetary items may be called for by the president either by voice, show of hands or ballot. Budgetary motions made at the general membership meeting must be approved by the board of directors.

Virtual Meetings

The board may conduct virtual meetings. The president will determine the length and manner of virtual meetings. Asynchronous virtual meetings may be called only by the president, who will establish rules concerning the time and manner of the discussion and voting. The board will discuss the motion for the predetermined and limited length of time, after which the motion cannot be amended. Motions introduced at asynchronous virtual meetings can be passed only with approval of two-thirds of the board.


Terms of office for all the following commence May 1 of each election year. They are appointed and can be removed by the president for due cause. All committee members, liaisons and editors must be PAI members in good standing.

Standing Committees

Standing committees shall be Digital Media, Publications/Public Relations, Certification, Professional Outreach, Awards, Nominations and Contests. Standing committee chairs are appointed by and responsible to the president. The president shall select the committee chair and may select committee members or delegate the responsibility to the chair.

Special Committees

Special committees may be appointed by the president and do not require approval of the board of directors. Such committees shall be directly responsible to the president or his/her designee. The president shall select the committee chair and may select committee members or delegate the responsibility to the chair. Subcommittees may be appointed by any board member and shall be directly responsible to that board member and do not require board approval.


Liaisons may be appointed by the president to create a link between PAI and other organizations. Such liaisons shall be directly responsible to the president and do not require approval of the board of directors.


Editors of PAI publications shall be appointed by and directly responsible to the president. Editors, upon the discretion of the president, may serve more than one term and may be removed from the publication for cause by the president pending approval by the board of directors.



State directors must be teacher/adviser PAI members. Each state, Union Territory/NCR will have one state director. They shall be elected by PAI members of the state organization, appointed by the state organization or appointed by the vice president.

Removal from Office

State directors may be removed from office upon the request of the vice president.

Article 9 – RULES OF ORDER

The president shall be allowed to speak to and vote on all motions. All other rules shall be those contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, most recent copyrighted edition.


These bylaws may be amended, or new bylaws may be adopted by a majority vote of the board of directors at any meeting. A 10-day notice must be given to the board of specifically worded changes desired, unless the vote by the board is unanimous to approve a change. No action shall be taken that would in any way adversely affect the association’s qualifications under Constitution of India or any other state or central laws.


  1. The Press Association of India, hereinafter referred to as “the association or PAI”, is an association. The Administrative Office shall be at #10, Ajabpur Kalan, opp. PNB, Mothrawala Road, Dehradun – 248001 (Uttarakhand – INDIA) or at such address as the “National Executive Council”, referred to as “NEC”, shall decide.
  2. The objects of the association shall be the defence and promotion of:
    1. professional and financial interests and the welfare of its members;
    2. principles and practice of journalism with reference to the association’s code of conduct;
    3. freedom of the press, speech, information, and broadcasting;
    4. association principles and organization;
    5. equality for all and elimination of all forms of harassment, prejudice and discrimination within association, its activities and employment practices;
    6. peace, social justice and civil liberty;
    7. establishment of out of work, benevolent and death benefits;
    8. determination of all questions affecting professional conduct of its members;
    9. entering into agreements on multiple sale of material on electronic databases and other forms of reproduction and uses of members’ published and broadcast work, including collection and distribution of income from such agreements.
    10. furtherance of political objectives deemed by the NEC to flow from and be compatible with objects of this document.


  1. The association shall consist of journalists, including photographers, creative artists, working editorial in newspapers, magazines, books, broadcasting, public relations and communications, copywriters and digital media; or as advertising and fashion photographers, advertising copywriters, front-end developers and coders; teachers of journalism, or any language journalist or a journalist working in affiliated union/association with NEC-approved, reciprocal agreement with the PAI and full-time officials of association.
  2. No applicant shall be admitted to membership, or if already a member, be allowed to hold any office or represent the association in any meeting, if he/she is a member of any other organization which purports to further the interests of working journalists by the regulation of their conditions of employment and which is deemed by the NEC to be contrary to the interests of the association.
  3. There shall be the following classes of membership:
    1. Full members
      Persons whose principal occupation is journalism, who have no other full-time job and earn at least half of their earned income from journalism;
    2. Dual Union Members
      A person who fulfills the criteria for Full Members, is employed, and is member of another union affiliated to the PAI recognizes, where the other union has collective agreement covering their workplace, where the PAI does not enjoy bargaining rights.
    3. Members of honour
      The NEC may confer membership of honour on any member in recognition of long and distinguished service to the association. Each member of honour shall be presented with membership card.
    4. Life members
      Full members may be transferred to life membership at the discretion of the NEC and on the recommendation of their branch or the general secretary after completing 10 years of full membership. Members with less than 10 years membership because of caring responsibilities may be awarded life membership at the absolute discretion of the NEC. Transfer to life membership shall not invalidate any claim for death benefit.
    5. Temporary members
      Persons ineligible for full membership who is seeking to make a career in journalism either part time or full time and who have no other full-time occupation.
    6. Associate members
      Any person who satisfies the NEC that he or she is carrying out significant journalistic work and has continuing commitment to journalism and associationism, including persons seeking to become or remain associated with the association because of their journalistic activities or interests, but who are ineligible for full membership; Retired Members; students on journalism courses or who practice student journalism in a medium supported by community journalists.
  4. Membership shall carry the following rights:
    1. Members of honour, full members, Dual Union Members and Life Members may attend and speak at meetings of their branch; vote and hold office in their branch; attend and vote at delegate meetings; hold office in the association and vote in all association ballots; attend meetings of other branches and speak if so invited.
    2. Associate and temporary members may attend and speak at meetings of their branch, if eligible but shall not be eligible for association benefits or legal assistance, except at sole discretion of the NEC.
  5. Associate members shall not be eligible to apply for a press card.
  6. Employees of the association shall not be eligible to stand for election to the NEC.


  1. Every application for membership shall be made online or on the forms provided by the NEC and shall contain the names of two members of the association as proposer and seconder. The applicant shall register, on the membership form, in which of the following industrial sectors s/he considers him/herself to work: Books; Broadcasting; Freelance; Magazines; Newspapers and agencies; Public Relations and Communications; New Media; photographic or video. The form shall also require the applicant to agree to abide by the association’s rules and code of conduct.
    1. The application shall be sent to branch, which must inform the Head Office within 14 days.
    2. Election shall be by vote of branch meeting at which the applicant for membership should be present. The branch’s sole duty is to satisfy itself that the candidate is qualified for membership (Unless the candidate is studying on a course approved by the association and is applying for student membership).
    3. Where applicant is confirmed by a branch official to be in a staff position, membership will date from the first payment of subscription.
    4. Where the appropriate branch is deemed by the NEC to be dormant, applicant, who meets the requirements for membership, shall be elected immediately otherwise such an applicant shall be deemed elected 60 days after receipt of the application at head office or the Administrative office.
    5. If an objection to an applicant being admitted is raised by any branch or member in writing to the General Secretary, then election shall be delayed until the objection has been considered by the NEC whose decision will be final.
  2. The NEC shall have power to elect any suitable candidate. A person deemed by the NEC not to be fit and proper person for membership shall not be elected by any branch. Such a person shall have the right to appeal to the NEC within 28 days.
  3. The nominator of any candidate whose application for election or re-election is rejected by a branch may appeal to the NEC. The appeal must reach the General Secretary within 28 days of the candidate or his/her nominator being informed in writing of the decision by the branch. The NEC shall have the power to elect such a candidate. The decision of the NEC shall be final.
  4. The NEC shall have the power to re-elect any member who has resigned or been removed from membership for any reason provided he/she agrees to pay contributions by direct debit. The NEC may impose the payment of a readmission fee or additional condition.
  5. The NEC shall have power to revoke and declare void any election if it is found that the information given by the candidate is incorrect, or that the candidate was not qualified according to rule at the time of election.
  6. A member changing employment, address, industrial sector, shall immediately notify the Association’s Registered Office, which will notify the relevant branch secretaries.
  7. The NEC shall have power to make agreements with other unions to transfer members from one union to the other when they change the nature of their work.
  8. Membership may be terminated by the NEC in accordance with Rules or by Head Office as detailed elsewhere in these rules for one of the following reasons:
    1. When membership has been in suspense for longer than six months.
    2. When a member fails to pay subscriptions due 28 days after being sent a warning of lapsing for failing to pay contributions.
    3. When a member who has been excused payment of contributions because of unemployment has failed to inform his/her branch of continuing unemployment.
    4. When a temporary member does not qualify for full membership at the end of the final period of temporary membership.
  9. Notwithstanding anything in these rules, the NEC may, by giving six weeks’ notice in writing, terminate the membership of any member in order, to comply with a decision of any appointed Committee by the association.
  10. A member may terminate his/her membership by writing to his/her branch secretary or, if the branch is not functioning, to Head Office. Members shall not be permitted to resign while they are subject to an instruction by the NEC to withdraw from their employment under the terms of the Rules or while their chair is in dispute with management and has declared such dispute at a properly convened meeting.
  11. Membership shall be suspended when a member:
    1. ceases to be employed against the Rules, except in the case of a member who is wholly unemployed or who has retired
    2. is attending full-time course in education and intends to cease working as journalist. The NEC may extend the period of suspense to take account of the duration of the course.
  12. Membership may be suspended for a period not exceeding two calendar years. A member in suspense shall not pay contributions or levies and shall not be entitled to any association benefit.


  1. Full members shall pay contributions monthly. Where this is not possible, members shall pay in advance.
  2. Subscriptions will be calculated according to grade as follows:
    1. Members who joined the association before 1st January, 2019:
      1. Grade – A
        Members employed in provincial (Pradeshik) newspapers, commercial local radio, book sectors and on magazines outside Capitals; freelance members working for regional media organisations; members working in new media; members in branches outside India; and members on Administrative Office. (Earning up to Rs. 200000 per annum)
      2. Grade – B
        Members working in Public Relations and Information Communications and in the magazine and freelance sectors (excluding freelances working for regional media organisations) and as advertising copywriters. (Earning between Rs. 200001 and Rs. 500000 per annum)
      3. Grade – C
        Members employed in national newspapers sectors, broadcasting (excluding independent local radio), national and foreign news agencies; and officials of the association. (Earning over Rs. 500000 per annum)
    2. Members will pay subscriptions according to their grade as follows:
      Grade A: Rs. 50 per month
      Grade B: Rs. 100 per month
      Grade C: Rs. 200 per month
      Minimum subscription: Members earning less than Rs. 200000 per annum shall pay Rs. 25 per month.
  3. No member shall be required to pay contributions of more than one percent of his/her taxable income. The NEC shall have power to authorise appropriate reductions provided that the minimum rate of contribution is not less than one third the rate for grade C. Newly elected members eligible for reduced contributions must apply within one month of election to obtain a reduction to the end of the calendar year.
  4. Members who are prevented by law from working in their country of residence shall not be required to pay subscriptions.
  5. Dual Association Members shall pay half the minimum rate identified in this rule.
  6. Members of honour are not required to pay contributions or levies.
  7. Retired members shall pay 10% of the minimum rate.
  8. Life members who have not yet retired shall pay subscriptions at a rate of 50% of the appropriate grade for their membership immediately prior to becoming life members but shall not be required to pay subscriptions once they retire.
  9. Student members shall pay 25% of the minimum rate to cover the full duration of their course. Student membership will expire upon completion of a course at which time student members shall automatically qualify for Temporary Membership and shall receive a 50% discount on fees for the first year. Students shall be offered 25% discount on the fee for full membership if they apply within six months of completing their course.
  10. Associate members who are not students, retired members or those seeking to establish themselves in journalism, shall pay subscriptions at 50% of the minimum rate.
  11. Temporary members shall remain as temporary members for maximum of three years paying subscriptions as a proportion of the minimum rate paid by full members at the following rates: Year 1 – 50%; Year 2 – 70%; Year 3 – 85%.
  12. The NEC shall allocate to the Running Fund on quarterly basis such monies from contributions as are necessary, up to a maximum of 10% of contributions.
  13. Any member failing to pay an annual contribution, quarterly instalments of the annual contribution or a general levy within a period of three calendar months from the due date shall be sent a warning notice of lapsing by the appropriate union office to his/her last known address. If any part of the amount due remains unpaid at the end of 28 days membership will cease. Each office shall inform the member’s branch of each stage of the lapsing process (This clause shall not apply to a member subject to an instruction of the NEC to withdraw from his/her employment or to one who is subject to disciplinary proceedings).
  14. Any member whose contributions are three calendar months or more in arrears, or who has failed to pay the whole of a general levy within a period of six months, shall be disqualified from voting in union elections, from being nominated for or holding any association office, from continuing to participate in an election as a nominated candidate or acting as a branch or association delegate or representative.
  15. When in any period of three months the amount of all forms of benefit paid to members the NEC may impose a levy to operate for such time as the NEC decides. The levy may be imposed at any date provided that four weeks’ notice be sent to all branches. No general levy shall be imposed for any other reason until it has been sanctioned by a ballot vote of the association.
  16. Any branch or group of branches may, with the consent of the NEC and after a ballot of its members, add to the normal contributions of its members, a levy to meet its own expenditure or for any other purpose.
  17. The NEC alone shall have power to excuse or remit contributions or levies.
  18. A member who is wholly unemployed shall be exempt from payment of one-twelfth of his/her annual contribution and any levy, for each whole period of 28 days that he/she remains unemployed or receives unemployment benefit.
  19. Exemption from payment shall also apply to a woman member whose unemployment arises from pregnancy and to any member taking unpaid parental leave.


  1. All claims for benefits shall be made on the form provided and returned to Administrative Office. A member failing to claim at the proper time shall not be entitled to retrospective payment for more than four weeks.
  2. The NEC shall have power to deal directly with benefit claims.
  3. No member shall qualify for the financial benefits of the association except until he/she has paid at least one half of the appropriate annual contribution rate or the full annual contributions for those readmitted after being lapsed for arrears (Nonpayment of general levy shall not by itself disqualify member from receiving benefit).
  4. The NEC may make a grant to any member in financial distress after six months of membership provided that such distress is not due to the member’s misconduct or culpable neglect of professional duty.


  1. There shall be a fund, known as PAI Extra, which shall be conducted in accordance with such regulations as the fund’s management committee shall decide and in line with statute and regulations pertaining to charities.
  2. Three per cent of the association’s subscription income shall be shared between PAI Extra, such share as determined from time to time by the NEC.


  1. The association shall be divided into branches and each member shall normally be attached to an active branch in whose geographic area or industrial sector his/her employment is situated. Each full-time union official who is a member of the association shall be attached to a branch of his/her own choice.
  2. The NEC, in consultation with the branches affected, may create, divide or merge branches or establish the organizational means for such inter-branch relationships as may be necessary to meet special circumstances, subject, in the event of a dispute, to confirmation by ballot vote of the members concerned.
    1. Each branch shall hold its annual meeting early in the calendar year to elect the following officers who shall be ex-officio members of the branch committee:
      1. Chairman
      2. Vice-chairman
      3. Secretary – to keep the records and convene meetings.
      4. Equality officer – to promote equality issues and provide focus for questions and complaints arising from the code of conduct.
      5. Treasurer to be responsible for the funds in the care of the branch and for keeping accounts. No treasurer shall be aged fewer than 21.
      6. Welfare officer – to care for the interests of sick members and their spouses and liaise with the PAI Extra.
      7. Membership and recruitment/retention officer
    2. In addition, the meeting will elect:
      1. Members of the committee
      2. Two auditors who shall not be members of the branch committee. Alternatively, a branch may appoint professional auditors.
      3. Not fewer than seven days’ notice of the annual meeting shall be given to members.
    3. The branch committee shall have power to act between branch meetings but shall not have power to table a motion in which the NEC or DM is asked to vary the policy of the association, or the Indian Executive Council (IEC), State Executive Council (SEC) or any industrial council is asked to vary its policy. Any action of a branch committee shall be reported to the succeeding branch meeting.
    4. Each branch shall fix a quorum.
    5. Any member may call for an inspection of the membership records and financial standing of those attending a branch meeting to establish their right to vote.
    6. An ordinary branch meeting shall be convened at least once every calendar month excepting one month of the calendar year, during which the meeting may be waived with the consent of a previous branch meeting. A special meeting may be called by the branch committee or, in emergency, by the branch chair or at the request, in writing, of any 25 members entitled to vote at meetings of the branch or at least 10 per cent of the branch membership. The NEC may grant permission for meetings to be held at less frequent intervals.
    7. Not fewer than seven days’ notice shall be given to members in the case of ordinary meetings, and in the case of special meetings reasonable notice shall be given, including notice of the matter to be discussed.
    8. NEC, IEC, SEC, and industrial council members shall have the right to attend and speak at meetings of any branch within their own electoral areas. Members of the NEC Emergency Committee shall have the right to attend and speak at any branch meeting.
    9. Subject to the approval of the NEC, branches shall be allowed to establish sub-branches. All the transactions of a sub-branch shall be reported to the branch.
    10. All funds held by branches shall be the property of the association and shall be deposited into such accounts as the branch or NEC may direct. Withdrawals shall be made only on the written authority of two out of three branch officers, appointed by the branch for the purpose. Branch officers shall be responsible for the location and safe keeping of funds held by the branch.
    11. The expenses of branch management shall be met by an allowance, paid monthly, of 5 per cent of the ordinary contributions collected from the members of that branch. Higher allowances will be paid to branches able to prove to the NEC that they have especially high running expenses.
    12. A branch shall use its management fund for union purposes and to make contributions in memory of a deceased member. Any balance remaining may be used for purposes connected with journalism or associationism or, with the NEC’s permission, for local charitable purposes. Notice of such proposal shall be given on the summons convening the meeting.
    13. The branch auditors shall examine the books and attach their report to the annual statement of accounts which shall be forwarded to Head office before 31 March in each year.
      1. A branch shall provide a quarterly statement to Head Office to include details of the number of branch meetings held, the dates on which they were held and details of income and expenditure for the quarter.
      2. If a branch fails to send proper quarterly branch statements or remittances to Head Office, the NEC shall have the power to remove the branch officers and require the branch to elect fresh officers, or to disband the branch and transfer the members to other branches.
      3. If the remittances due from any branch on 31 December in any year or the annual membership and arrears statement for the year have not been sent to the General Secretary and received by 31 January next following, the branch shall be disqualified from sending delegates to any DM held in that following year unless the NEC otherwise directs.
    14. A branch may affiliate to appropriate groups of unions in the media and communications industries as local conditions may require, subject to the approval of the relevant industrial council or geographical council and to a simple majority of a ballot of the branch.
      1. If a branch believes any of the branch officers has been guilty of conduct or omission detrimental to the interests of the branch, the branch may dismiss that officer by a simple majority vote at a properly convened branch meeting. Notice of a proposal to dismiss an officer shall be given at the preceding branch meeting.
      2. Should the officer not be present at the meeting, notice of the dismissal and of the right of appeal shall be sent within three days to him/her by recorded delivery or registered post.
      3. An officer so dismissed shall cease to hold office immediately and shall, within five working days of notice of such dismissal hand over to a nominated member of the branch all documents and/or money appertaining to the post. The nominated member shall have custody of the documents and monies until a successor has been elected or the dismissed member has successfully appealed against the decision of the branch.
      4. Any officer so dismissed may appeal against the dismissal to the NEC whose decision shall be final. Both the appellant and the branch shall be invited to the hearing of the appeal and may be represented by another person. In the event of a successful appeal an appellant shall be reinstated. Should the appeal fail the member concerned shall not be entitled to stand for election to office for a period of 12 months. The casual vacancy caused by the dismissal shall remain open until the outcome of any appeal is known.


  1. There shall be a central administrative body called the National Executive Council – NEC
  2. There shall be Two representatives from Founder members, one for disabled members, one for photographer members and one from each of the following industrial sectors:
    1. Books
    2. Broadcasting
    3. Freelance
    4. Magazines
    5. Newspapers and agencies
    6. Public Relations and Communications
    7. New Media

There shall be two or more representatives from each of the following geographical sectors:

      1. Uttar Pradesh
      2. Uttarakhand

The number of NEC members elected to represent each geographical or regional sector shall be determined according to the number of members entitled to vote in that sector as follows:
01 – 40   1 seat
41 – 60   2 seats
61 – 75   3 seats
   75 +    4 seats

The number of members entitled to vote in each geographical or regional sector shall be determined by the NEC at a date not less than three months and not more than four months before the election., this date to be decided by the NEC.

  1. A member who is eligible for election to the NEC shall be entitled
    1. to vote
      1. In the industrial section in which s/he is registered as working
      2. In the geographical sector in which s/he lives
      3. if registered as tribal member, for NEC representative for tribal members
      4. if registered as disabled member, for the NEC representative for disabled members.
      5. if registered as photographer, for NEC representative for photographer members.
    2. to stand for office either
      1. in the industrial sector in which s/he is registered as working or
      2. in the geographical sector in which s/he lives or,
      3. if registered as a tribal member, as the representative for the tribal members or
      4. if registered as a disabled member, as the representative for disabled members.
      5. if registered as a photographer, as the representative for photographer members.
    3. Members of the NEC shall be elected every two years together with industrial council elections. Nominations shall be by branches with members in the appropriate industrial or geographic sector. The nominee’s consent is required. Elections shall be by means of a postal ballot.
    4. A timetable for elections shall be announced by the General Secretary at a Delegate Meeting providing for the close of nominations to be not later than 17 weeks before the start of the next DM and the results announced no later than eight weeks before the next DM. The General Secretary shall be responsible for the conduct of the ballots. Each candidate seeking election to the NEC shall be invited to supply a statement, not exceeding 400 words, together with details of union offices held which will be sent to those members entitled to vote. Where nominations do not exceed the number of representatives required for a sector, the nominee or nominees shall be deemed to be elected; otherwise there shall be a ballot of the members.
    5. The General Secretary shall also be a member of the NEC and of its committees but shall not be entitled to vote. The editor of the association’s journal shall have the right to attend meetings of the NEC and its committees.
    6. There shall be an Emergency Committee of the NEC that shall consist of four members elected from the incoming (or standing) NEC by each DM plus three other members elected by and from the NEC at its first meeting following that DM. The NEC shall elect, from amongst its number, replacement members to fill any vacancies that occur between DMs.
    7. The General Secretary shall also be a member of the Emergency Committee. The Emergency Committee shall have power to deal with any matter with which the NEC has power to deal unless two or more members of the Emergency Committee request that a matter shall be dealt with by the full NEC. When meeting to consider and decide upon an industrial dispute, the Emergency Committee shall invite to attend for that item such members of industrial councils and the NEC who are representative of members directly affected by the dispute. Such industrial council and NEC members shall have the right to speak but not to vote on that item. The NEC and Emergency Committee shall have power to delegate their duty to hear complaints and appeals to a complaints committee consisting of NEC members only. The NEC shall elect from its own members such committees as it deems necessary to conduct the business of the association and shall have power to co-opt non-voting members on to these committees.
    8. At the time of election to office, the President, Vice-President and Treasurer shall have been elected as members of the NEC in office following the Delegate Meeting (DM).
    9. The President of the PAI shall not, in respect of that position, be a voting member of the NEC or an employee of the PAI.
    10. the term of office for the President shall extend from the close of one DM to the close of the next.
    11. the President shall not have held the position of President or General Secretary at any time in the period of twelve months ending with the day he or she takes up the position of President.
    12. the President shall attend meetings of the NEC and exercise voting rights solely as a member of the NEC under Rules, elected as a representative of an industrial or geographic sector pursuant to rules and shall have no additional right to attend or to vote in respect of the position of president.
    13. Officers and members of the NEC shall hold office from the close of one DM to the close of the next.
    14. Any casual vacancy which may occur among the national officers of the association shall be filled by appointment by the NEC. If any NEC member should resign, die, remove from the area, be permanently incapacitated or be otherwise unable to fulfil the duties during his/her term of office, the branches in the area represented by the member concerned shall elect a successor for the unexpired period of the term of office. A resignation shall not be effective until it has been notified to the General Secretary and accepted by the NEC. The NEC shall be empowered to declare a vacancy where any member of the council fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the council to which he/she has been summoned.
    15. Each NEC member shall, with the authority of the council, carry out propaganda and organisation work in his/her electoral area. For all such work, or any other union work authorised by the NEC, he/she shall be allowed reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, account of which he/she shall render to the General Treasurer. He/she shall be kept informed by the General Secretary of any dispute concerning union members occurring in his/her electoral area. He/she shall have the right to attend and speak at industrial council, branch meetings in his/her own electoral area. Members of the NEC Emergency Committee shall have the right to attend and speak at any industrial council, branch meeting.
    16. The meetings of the NEC shall be held at such times and places as may be found convenient. 50 per cent of the NEC members plus one shall form an NEC quorum. A special meeting shall be summoned by the General Secretary at the request of the President or on receipt of a requisition signed by at least 50 per cent of the NEC members plus one.
    17. Members of the Equality Council and the Tribal Members’ Council shall have an automatic right to attend and speak at, but not vote at, meetings of the NEC and its committees when issues relevant to their own work are being discussed.
    18. The chair and vice-chair of the IEC or SEC may be invited to attend meetings of the NEC or its committees.
    19. Each member of the NEC shall be paid reasonable expenses for each attendance at a duly convened meeting of the council or its committees or for any other union work authorised by the NEC. Should attendance at such a meeting entail financial loss to a member who is a freelance journalist he/she shall be allowed to claim compensation at a rate to be determined by the NEC from time to time. In the case of a job share, such payments shall be limited to the reasonable expenses and allowances of one of the two job-sharing individuals, save for the first meeting of any body, when both may attend and be paid reasonable expenses and allowances. Accounts of all expenses and allowances claimed by NEC members shall be rendered to the Treasurer.
    20. The NEC shall administer the affairs of the association and shall have power in accordance with the rules to do such things on behalf of the association as may be expedient including affiliating to any campaign or organisation that promotes the principles of press freedom and/or workers’ rights. Unless specifically prevented by these rules the NEC shall have power to interpret the rules and to determine any question on which the rules are silent, and no policy has been laid down by DMs.
    21. The NEC shall each year set financial budgets for industrial councils, the Tribal Members’ Council, the Ethics Council, the Equality Council, the Continental Asian Council, the IEC and the SEC considering the workload undertaken by each body, including running costs. The budgets shall not stipulate the number of meetings to be held during the year, each body being free to set its own timetable within the budget.
    22. The NEC shall have power to summon any member before it or any committee appointed by the NEC or the association. Such member shall be given at least seven days’ notice.
    23. The NEC shall have power to employ such paid clerical and other assistance as from time to time it considers necessary for the efficient execution of the association’s work and to provide pensions, annuities, or allowances to members of the staff or their dependents by means of a contributory scheme or otherwise.
    24. The NEC shall have power to call to produce the minutes and account books of a branch or other union agency at any time for the purposes of inspection or investigation.
    25. The NEC shall have the power to authorise the expenditure of monies on any union purpose specified in these rules and in its absolute discretion on:
    26. The assistance of members, salaried officials or other persons in such legal matters or proceedings as it deems necessary to protect the interest of the association;
    27. The payment in whole or in part of legal charges and costs incurred by or damages awarded against members, salaried officials or other persons arising out of such matters or proceedings; always excepted that when the NEC decides to take legal action on behalf of a member he/she may be required by the NEC to repay an agreed proportion of the legal costs to the association from the proceeds of a successful legal action.
    28. Other than the national officers, any member of the NEC shall be removed from office if such removal is supported by two-thirds of votes cast in a ballot of members entitled to vote in his/her electoral area, provided that no fewer than 100 members in that area have made written application for such removal to the General Secretary who shall arrange for a ballot to be taken not later than six weeks after receiving such request.
    29. On receiving a request signed by the chairs and secretaries of not less than one-third of the branches of the association that any one or more of the trustees or national officers shall be removed from office the NEC shall call a Special Delegate Meeting (SDM) within two months for deciding such issue. If two-thirds of the delegates voting at the meeting are in favour of removal of such trustees or national officers, they shall thereupon cease to hold office.
    30. The NEC shall conduct a ballot of the whole of the membership only when required by rule, or to comply with the requirements of a delegate meeting. Where such a ballot is conducted, its decision shall be binding and shall not be capable of variation except by the result of a further ballot of the whole membership.


  1. Delegate meeting shall be held at least every 18 months after DM 2019 in some center to be chosen by the NEC for:
    1. Receiving the annual report and accounts made up to the previous 30 November.
    2. Revising the rules, varying subscription rates, affiliating to any campaign or organisation that promotes the principles of press freedom and/or workers’ rights or disaffiliating from any campaign or organisation and deciding questions of general policy raised upon notice by the following bodies entitled to table motions and amendments: branches, Tribal Members’ Council, Continental Asian Council, Disabled Members’ Council, Equality Council, Ethics Council, 60+ Council, Photographers’ Council, Health and Safety Committee, NEC, IEC, SEC and each industrial council.
    3. Electing the President, Vice-President and General Treasurer for the incoming (or standing) NEC.
    4. Electing from persons nominated by branches:
  2. The Appeals Tribunal
  3. The Disabled Members’ Council
  4. Members to the Equality Council
  5. The Standing Orders Committee for the next DM
  6. The association’s delegation to the Trades Union Council of that year and, where necessary, the following year
  7. Six members to the 60+ Council
  8. Committees and delegates to other bodies it from time to time deems appropriate.
    1. Electing, from persons nominated by branches and the Equality Council, the association’s delegation to the Trades Union Council, Women’s conference of that year and, where necessary, the following year, of whom at least two must be elected from nominations by the Equality Council.
    2. Should a subsequent casual vacancy arise on any of the above DM-elected bodies, nominations shall be sought from members and an election held by online ballot of members who attended the most recent DM.
  9. The Delegate Meeting shall consist of:
    1. Voting delegates elected by branches to vote on all business before the Delegate meeting;
    2. Group Branch delegates elected by group Branches to vote on motions but not in elections for DM–elected bodies.
    3. Non-voting delegates, that is: all members of the NEC and Standing Orders Committee and two members each from: Tribal Members’ Council, Continental European Council, Disabled Members’ Council, Equality Council, Ethics Council, 60+ Council, IEC, SEC, each industrial council, the Photographers’ Council; one member from the Health and Safety Committee; and salaried officials. Non-voting delegates other than employee members may also be voting delegates. All delegates may move and speak but non-voting members may not vote.
  10. The decisions of the DM shall be final other than decisions taken by a ballot of the whole membership or decisions taken under the Rules. The association shall not affiliate to anybody, other than those promoting the principles of press freedom and/or workers’ rights, until the proposal to do so has been submitted to a ballot of the members in which a simple majority of those voting shall decide the issue. There shall be a ballot on a resolution approving the furtherance of political objects within the meaning of the Association and Labour Relations as an object of the association.
  11. General Secretary shall set a timetable for the preparation of business for DM and shall announce it not later than the close of the previous DM, as follows:
    1. A latest date for the receipt at head office of motions and nominations, not later than 17 weeks before the start of the DM;
    2. A latest date for the dispatch to tabling bodies of the preliminary agenda, not later than 14 weeks before the start of the DM;
    3. A latest date for the receipt at head office of confirmation of or amendments to motions in the preliminary agenda, not later than eight weeks before the start of the DM.
    4. A latest date for the dispatch to tabling bodies of the final agenda, together with the annual report and the accounts, not later than five weeks before the start of the DM.
    5. The date, determined by the NEC, in accordance with Rules, at which the number of members in each sector entitled to vote in NEC elections, is to be determined.
    6. All motions and notices of motions from tabling bodies shall only be accepted if officers of the tabling body certify that they were considered at a quorate meeting of the tabling body for which due notice was given.
    7. Notices of motions on the preliminary agenda shall be provisional and will lapse unless they are chosen by SOC as selected motions or are confirmed by the tabling body or are subject to a notice of amendment by any tabling body.
    8. Motions not received by the date specified for the preliminary agenda may be considered by DM if they are late notice motions or emergency motions.
      1. SOC shall make provision for late notice motions and amendments to them in the draft standing orders for DM. Late notice motions shall be in the hands of the General Secretary not later than noon of the day prior to DM and shall not be considered by DM until the day following the latest time stipulated in the standing orders for the receipt of amendments.
      2. Late notice motions shall:
        1. relate to events that have occurred since the latest date for the receipt of motions, or to the accounts;
        2. involve decisions which cannot be taken other than by a delegate meeting.
      3. Emergency motions may be considered if provision for them has been made in the standing orders for DM. Notwithstanding such provision, emergency motions shall not be laid before DM unless
        1. they concern grave and urgent matters affecting the association;
        2. they require immediate action for which the authority of a delegate meeting is required; and
        3. they are tabled and submitted to SOC by not fewer than five tabling bodies in respect of each such motion.
  12. Delegates to delegate meetings shall be life members or members who have paid contributions due for the quarter in which the meeting falls and who are not disqualified under Rules or by any decision of the NEC or the Appeals Tribunal at the time of nominations or of the meeting. They shall be nominated and elected by branches and shall bring their membership cards to the meeting.
  13. Branches shall appoint delegates in accordance with the number of life members and the number of members in benefit as shown in the latest available quarterly membership and arrears statement covering a date not less than three calendar months and not more than six calendar months prior to the first day of the DM, on the following basis:
    Branch     Membership     No. of Delegates
    1 –           1 – 25                1
    2 –           26 – 50              2
    3 –           51 – 75              3
    4 –           76 – 100            4
    5 –           101 – 125          5
    6 –           126 – 150          6
    7 –           151 – 175          7
    8 –           176 – 200          8
    9 –           201 +                9
    The votes of a branch shall not exceed the number of its delegates at DM and shall be recorded by delegates displaying their credential cards. A delegate temporarily absent from the meeting may transfer his/her credential card to any other delegate and authorise him/her to vote on his/her behalf.
  14. A motion which sets out to determine the level of contributions or benefits shall not be declared carried unless two-thirds of the votes cast are in favour.
  15. The election of national officers shall, in the event of a contest, be by a ballot of the delegates. Each ballot shall be conducted on the principle of the single transferable vote.
  16. Should there be insufficient nominations to fill vacancies in accordance with Rules, the General Secretary shall, at the start of business, declare elected those who have been properly nominated. The DM shall then have discretion to call for further nominations. If the DM so decides, the General Secretary shall set a timetable for nominations and elections to enable the process to be completed before the end of the DM. In such circumstances each nomination shall be supported by at least five tabling bodies.
  17. The NEC shall have power to call a special delegate meeting (SDM) or to vary the time and place of any delegate meeting.
  18. The NEC shall call an SDM within two months of receiving a requisition by not less than one-fifth of the branches in the association.


  1. The salaried officials of the association shall consist of a General Secretary, Editor of the association’s journal and such other officials as may be deemed necessary. The normal retirement age for such officials shall be 65.
    1. The General Secretary and the editor of the association’s journal shall be elected from members of the association. The NEC shall prepare a shortlist of applicants who have the required qualifications and submit the list to a postal ballot of the whole of the members qualified to vote, to be conducted on the principle of the single transferable vote. Before being considered for the shortlist, each applicant shall sign an undertaking that he/she accepts the terms and conditions of employment specified by the NEC.
    2. Each ballot shall, subject to the provisions of these rules, take place every five years. In the event of the incumbent of any of these three posts dying, retiring, resigning or becoming permanently incapacitated during his/her term of office, the NEC shall immediately start the procedure for electing his/her successor. Elections for that post shall take place at five-year intervals thereafter.
    3. An incumbent of any of these offices may stand for re-election, but if such an incumbent is aged 58 or over on 1 January of the year in which the election for his/her office is due to take place, he/she shall not have to face re-election and shall continue in office.
    4. During the election period for each of these offices, the editor of the association’s journal shall give each candidate equal space for putting his/her point of view.
    5. The ballot paper shall be accompanied by a statement as to the association record and other qualifications of the candidates.
    6. The ballot shall be taken in accordance with conditions to be laid down by the NEC. The NEC may impose a limit on expenditure by any member on behalf of or against any candidate. No branch shall incur any expenditure on canvassing on behalf of or against any candidate.
    7. Severance pay shall be made by the NEC to any incumbent official who is unsuccessful in seeking re-election to any of these three offices.
  2. All other officials shall be appointed by the NEC.
  3. All the officials shall serve on the conditions of contract of service agreed between them and the NEC, including disciplinary procedures, except that in the case of the General Secretary, the first stage of any disciplinary procedure shall be dealt with by the President, Vice President and General Treasurer. A delegate meeting shall have the power to dismiss any official or call upon him/her to resign, subject to the terms of the contract of service.
  4. All vacancies for salaried posts shall be advertised externally at the discretion of the NEC. All vacancies shall be open to job-share candidates/applicants providing the NEC is satisfied that there is no conflict of interest arising from any other work either candidate may carry out. In the event of a post being held on a job-share basis, then the post will become vacant if either candidate resigns.
  5. The General Secretary shall be the chief officer of the association and shall perform such duties as he/she is required by law or these rules to perform and shall be engaged in furthering the objects of the association as directed by DMs and the NEC, especially in negotiations and as spokesperson and representative of the association. The editor shall edit the association’s journal with editorial independence over content of the journal and associated Journalist content on the website and shall perform such other duties as directed by the General Secretary. Union website pages holding content taken from the association’s journal shall be under the editorial control of the editor of the association’s journal.
  6. Officials of the association shall have the right to attend and to speak at any union meeting.


  1. The NEC shall allocate from the central funds such sums as shall be necessary to provide for the efficient conduct of the association.
  2. Donations for other than association purposes may be made at the discretion of the NEC. They shall not exceed in the aggregate a sum equal to 20 times the highest contributions rate and they shall be shown in detail in the annual statement of accounts.
  3. The funds of the association shall be invested in the names of the trustees and dealt with, by them, as the NEC in its absolute discretion directs.
  4. There shall be three trustees who must be aged over 25; the President, the Vice President and General Treasurer, in whose names the funds of the association shall be invested and in whose names the association shall sue and be sued. The NEC may remove or disqualify any trustee or appoint further trustees at its absolute discretion.
  5. All deeds, documents and securities for money of the association shall be held in the name of the trustees. The NEC shall be responsible for the safe custody and preservation of all deeds, securities and documents.
  6. The association shall keep the trustees collectively and severally indemnified in respect of any matter arising out of any steps taken by the trustees on behalf of and with the authority of the association.
  7. The names and numbers of bank accounts opened in the name of the association by any bodies as defined in these rules shall be notified to the General Treasurer, together with the names of the signatories to such accounts. In the event of such a body ceasing to function, such funds must be transferred into the association’s central funds. This rule shall not apply to funds required for chapel running costs.
  8. Any member may, on application to the General Secretary, inspect the books and names of the members at the head office/registered office of the association not earlier than seven days after such application.
  9. The general accounts shall be audited by a professional accountant.


  1. A branch of the association shall be formed wherever there are three or more members in an office or organisation or where student members are attending a course of study.
  2. The branch is responsible for maintaining and extending union organisation in such office or organisation; ensuring that union agreements are observed; seeking to ensure that its members uphold the code of conduct and that management recognises and respects the code of conduct; and for safeguarding members’ interests generally.
  3. The branch shall report regularly to its appropriate industrial council or councils and the NEC of any dispute on association principle arising with its employers. The branch is subject to the branch but can appeal to the NEC against any branch decision.
  4. The branch shall elect annually
    1. a clerk to keep the records,
    2. an equality officer to promote equality issues in house negotiations and to act as a focus for questions arising from the code of conduct,
    3. a welfare officer (if the branch has more than 20 members) to care for the interests of sick members and their spouses and liaise with the PAI Extra,
    4. A membership and recruitment/retention officer
    5. such other officers as are necessary.
  5. Not less than seven days’ notice shall be given of the annual meeting of a branch.
  6. Branches should meet monthly and shall meet at least once a quarter. The branch committee or the NEC in consultation with the branch may convene a branch meeting.
  7. A branch or a branch committee may instruct members to attend a mandatory meeting of the branch providing that a motion to that effect is carried at a previous meeting of the branch or – in the case of the branch committee issuing the instruction – at a previous meeting of the committee.
  8. Any branch member who fails to attend the whole of a mandatory branch meeting without reasonable cause is liable to disciplinary proceedings.
  9. The NEC and/or Emergency Committee and/or appropriate industrial council shall have the power to instruct branches to call mandatory meetings; in addition the NEC or the Emergency Committee may exercise its power to call a mandatory meeting through the appropriate industrial council.
  10. Branches shall have rules which shall conform to association rules and be approved by the branch. Editors shall be ineligible for office as clerk, save that in branches covering more than one magazine title and having more than one magazine editor eligible for association membership, magazine editor members shall be entitled to hold branch office, subject to approval of the appropriate industrial council. Editors and section heads shall be entitled to attend branch meetings but may be excluded from any meeting by a vote of branch members.
  11. No permanent exclusion shall be operated by any branch without the prior approval of the NEC.
  12. NEC members, industrial council members, IEC, SEC members and branch officers shall have the right to attend and speak at meetings of branches in their electoral areas.
  13. Legitimate branch expenses may be paid at the discretion of the branch from branch funds.
  14. No branch or group of members shall negotiate or sign an agreement on wages or office conditions without advance notification to the relevant full time official, the appropriate industrial council or the IEC, SEC.
  15. Each branch shall have an agreement with it freelances giving those voting rights and full participation in branch activities. A representative of freelance members shall be invited to attend any negotiations with employers relating to freelance pay and conditions.